Dance Spot Ogihara

Sagamiharacity Yokoyamadai school

Sagamiharacity Higasirinkan school

Sakamoto Dance Academy in the dance school

 Chuo Ward, Sagamihara City, Minami Ward (business trip lesson), Ballroom Dance Studio

We offer a variety of group lessons and detailed private lessons! Beginners are welcome, and you are free to visit!

I've never exercised before, and I'm worried about the sense of rhythm..... It's okay even if you're like that!

Anyone can easily dance in ballroom dancing🎶

To be healthy! For beauty! Let's have fun dancing and solve the lack of daily exercise🎶

Those who want to improve their skills further, those who want to participate in the competition!

By all means! Let's take this opportunity to start ballroom dancing😄🎶

I recommend it.

Ballroom dancing to a person like this

1 Those who are solidified by desk work and telework

2 Those who want to relieve daily stress

3 Those who want to improve their style

4 Those who want to move their body and improve their metabolism

5 Those who want to walk beautifully with good posture

6 Those who want to participate in a dance competition

7 Those who want to announce their performance with the teacher

8 Those who used to dance a long time ago

9 Those who can't exercise alone

10 Those who lack exercise remotely

Let's get started.

Trial lesson in progress (25 minutes) 

The trial lesson will be free for customers who join on the day, 

I received ¥2,000 on the day! We will return ¥2,000 at the first lesson! 

Customers who do not join will be charged ¥2,000. Please understand in advance. 

We also have trial lessons for group lessons! It's free for those who joined on the day, 

I received ¥1,000 on the day! We will return ¥1,000 at the first lesson! 

If you do not join, you will be charged ¥1,000. 

(Because the trial lesson is once per person 

Is it a private lesson trial lesson? 

Please think about whether it is a trial lesson for a group lesson. 

Thank you for your reservation.) 

We also have shoes for rent, so please feel free to come. 

(Free to visit)

Beginner's campaign